Personal branding is a mark that you create for yourself. Something that’s makes you special and sets you apart from the others. It’s an epitome of who you are and it is also unique because tells us about your life, your principles and your passion. So what else should you know about personal branding?

Firstly, the most important thing about personal branding is you need to brand yourself in the career you want and not the job you have. Your personal branding is going to persist even after you are dead. You want it to last a long time. Your personal brands to be immortalized after you are long gone. So what is it are you passionate about? Is what you have chosen something that you would want to do for a long time? That is how you discover your personal brand.

Secondly, don’t expect overnight results. Personal branding is an ongoing process. After you have written down your goals, aspirations and development plan, it is time to put your plan into action. You will not get over overnight results. You start small and start building up your brand consistently. That way every new project you take on after that has an added value because of your own personal brand.

Thirdly, you are your own PR agent. You have to toot your own horn. Once you discovered your niche and start creating your own personal brand, it is now time to market your personal brand. It could be through your very own websites, your Facebook page or even Twitter. Remember, you have to sell your brand for people to recognize it.

To sum it up, everybody in the world needs a personal brand. It is only up to you whether you want to make it work for you or not. So start discovering your niche and create your own personal brand!

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