I’m referring to, self-confidence, which is required to be an Independent Mind-Body Practitioner.


Self-Confidence definitely does not come from the other guy.  It’s not what can be provided from an outside source to boost you up.  It’s internal.


Your assessment of your self-worth is what determines your self-confidence. If there is a gap between what you are now in your life and what you desire to be, there might be room for self doubt (and “ain’t nobody got time for that”). The larger the gap between your self-image and your ideal self, the lesser is the level of your self-confidence.  High level self-confidence is necessary beyond belief to your long standing success as an Independent Mind-Body Practitioner.


When you have high self-confidence, you are able to take risks and face new challenges with an open mind that you can achieve what your personal and professional goals are. You believe in yourself that you will succeed and that you can make things happen. This allows you to do things that will direct and guide you in pursuing and realizing your Ideal Mind-Body Business, being the person you want to be and living your best life.


On the other hand, when you have low self-confidence, you are afraid of taking risks and this disables your ability to grab opportunities that will help you achieve things in your life.  If you are doubtful about your skills and capabilities and your mind is filled with negative thoughts, you cannot take a step to reach that stage in your life, even if you desire to be a better person in the future with a lot of achievements. So, don’t be a coward ever but, surely not when it comes to realizing your visions.


Being highly confident and over confident are two different things.  High-confidence enables you do the right things for your success. It will enhance your the outcome of whatever tasks you perform. However, being too confident will lead you to frustrations. Why? Because when you are too confident, you might neglect the simple things required in pursuit of your success.


Believe it or not, you already have all that you require to build and operate your own successful, Mind-Body Business.  You got it, it’s in you and you don’t even have to ask permission for it nor look far to find it.


Low level self-confidence?  Spend moments reflecting on what you have accomplished in your life to this point.  Don’t dwell on the “unfortunate happenings”, that’s not the space you want to be in when honoring and affirming your greatness, your most powerful of abilities.


Having trouble reflecting on your accomplishments?  Don’t worry.  Try thinking about others who have and are doing what you are doing or aiming to do, successfully and by their own definition.  Know that they did and you can.  This will raise your vibration and better align you with the emotion brought about by high level self-confidence.  This should ultimately tap into your subconscious, making you receptive to just that, self-confidence.


You are worthy, if for no other reason accept, you simply have studied, practiced and find yourself here with the desire to go independent.  It is not by accident.  You are ready and becoming more and more ready.  So,…go for it.  What’s the worst that could happen?  Let me answer that for you,…what ifs and regrets is what could happen, and “we don’t want no parts of that”.


Perhaps there are aspects in your life that contribute to your current level of self-confidence. Well, self-confidence is really founded in your belief in yourself. However, the people around you can also affect your upbringing as a person.  Know who you are, whereas not to be or accept someone telling you that you are someone or something that you are not.  Be self-confident!


Are you ready to Go Independent?  Take our Readiness Assessment and find out how ready you are.

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