Have you ever really given thought and attention to the power of belief as it relates to designing your future and orchestrating your perfect professional practice?  Tap into the power of belief and be prepared to have your mind blown in the most positively spectacular way.

Really…, it is the most amazing thing (no joke).

Belief is the background operation of manifesting your ideal Mind-Body business.

Check this out.

You may have heard about the placebo effect.  This phenomena refers to a natural, involuntary occurrence that potentially takes place when the mind and body are connected and the subconscious mind precedes the logical.  In theory (and reality , if you ask me), individuals are given an empty solution to a problem and holding the strong belief that the solution is indeed “THE answer” generate the ethereal desired result simply because s/he beliefs the behavior or action will result in it.  For example,  an aspiring independent massage therapist has an overwhelming desire to be successful by his/her own definition.  S/he deeply believes that if s/he consciously makes an effort to know and see his/her clients, has a genuine concern for his/her clients well-being and makes random comments to his/her clients to that effect s/he will develop an authentic relationship with his/her clients and nurture a client loyalty that will follow them wherever they go.

Do this along with consistently displaying your gifts, talents and skills as a massage therapist and clients will develop trust in you as a massage professional who is operating outside of the big name, franchised spa entity and return to you time over time again.  They will value your opinion because they know you care and that your recommendations and suggests come from a place called the heart, where harm cannot dwell.


Believe in your Mind-Body business vision.


The things that we believe in are very powerful, and by extension, the things that you believe in should be the kinds of things that set your life and your Mind-Body business on the right path.

If you believe that you’re terrible with money, or you will have no willpower, or that you’ll never have a million dollars in your bank account…. chances are you are right. But on the flip side if you believe that you’re going to be successful, live a life of abundance and be in great financial shape … you will.

When a person believes wholeheartedly that he will succeed, he is able to do better than he knows. S/he becomes more relaxed and is able to focus his emotional energy on reaching for the probable rewards of success instead of focusing on the possibility of failure. Believing in yourself brings out the best in yourself and is essential for personal success.  Relax and allow your beliefs to prevail.

Another thing to consider is that the size of our success is limited only by the size of our belief. Dreaming big is an important part of achieving success for anyone. Often people are scared to think big because they are scared, or they think they are undeserving or incapable of success. But remember this, big dreamers achieve big results. Release fear, release doubt and allow yourself to achieve your full potential by believing that you can and will succeed.

Looking for a practical process for reaping the power of belief?


EMBODY by Exhale Spa Escapes offers programming to support you in building your Mind-Body business vision and guide you along your journey to success by your own definition.  It’s your belief.  It’s your business. Own It! and visit www.embodyshop.info/envisionchallenge to equip yourself with tools to achieve freedom and go independent.

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